The Tennessee Academy of Science Eastern Collegiate Division meeting was held on April 21, 2023 on the campus of Pellissippi State Community College with awards as follows:
First Place Poster Competition – Matthew Gano. Soil Microbial Community Composition of White Oak Mountain, Tennessee. Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Second Place Poster Competition- Ji Won Moon. Examining the Different Soil Horizons of White Oak Mountain, TN and their Effect on the Soil Microbial Community. Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee.
First Place Oral Competition – Derek Detweiler, Katarina Hill, Anthony Holmberg, Sophie Masso, My Ky Tran, James Treece. Relationship of CO2 and pH to rainfall amounts at Cherokee Caverns. Pellissippi State Community College, Knoxville, TN.
Second Place Oral Competition- Harley Mathews. Investigating the Effect of Light Restriction on Lemna minor Photosynthetic Activity: Practical and Price Efficient Methods. Pellissippi State Community College, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Presenters with their certificates
Group Photo
A picture of the meeting
Another picture of the meeting
Derek Detweiler
Harley Mathews
Ji Won Moon
Matthew Gano
The Tennessee Academy of Science Eastern Collegiate Division meeting was held on April 20, 2018 on the campus of Pellissippi State Community College with awards as follows:
First Place – Marine Biodiversity Monitoring of the Pelagos Sanctuary in the Mediterranean Sea. Meghan Sutton*, Michael Freake, Jonathon Cornett, Paola Tepisch, Aurelie Moulins, Bryan Poole, Lee University, Cleveland, Tennessee (MS, MF, JC, BP), CIMA Research Foundation, Savona, Italy (PT, AM).
Second Place- Investigating the effect of statins on the regulation of the hepatic organic transporter OATP1B3. Damilola Oluwalana* and Steve Wright, Carson-Newman University, Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Third Place- Promotion of sustainability initiatives on Pellissippi State's Hardin Valley campus by documenting and understanding recycling habits of the campus population. Ryan Sharpe* and Brad Moats. Pellissippi State Community College, Knoxville, TN.
Honorable Mentions (in alphabetical order)
Soil Sample Analysis of Cuba's Oldest Tobacco Farm - Finca El Pinar Robaina. Erin Guy* and Saeed Rahmanian, Roane State Community College.
Prevalence of Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola in eastern Tennessee snake populations: Is it a cause for concern? Cullen T. Harris*, Team Salamander and Thomas P. Wilson, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Prevalence of lineage formation in the raccoon, Procyon lotor, over space and time in varied habitats in Southwestern Tennessee. Jillian P. Sturtevant*, Evelyn Chukwurah, John R. Hisey, Michael L. Kennedy, Brian D. Carver, Lee University, Cleveland, Tennessee (JPS, JRH), University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina (EC), University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee (MLK), Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, Tennessee (BDC).
The Tennessee Academy of Science Eastern Collegiate Division meeting was held on April 21, 2017 on the campus of Pellissippi State Community College with awards as follows:
Oral Presentations
First Place – Evaluation of optimal dye combinations in gel electrophoresis separation for general biology lab courses. Nathan Falconnier*, Lily Turaski*. Tara Walker*. Patricia Zingg, Pellissippi State Community College, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Second Place- Suitability of the Tumbling Creek eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) population as a potential source for at-risk hellbender populations. Ridge Sliger* and Michael Freake, Lee University, Cleveland, Tennessee.
Third Place- Evaluation of mitochondrial function in PARK2 knock out C. elegans exposed to the pesticide manzate. Samantha Cole*, Rachel Mullins*, Sunny Kennedy*, Ashley Reynolds*, Erin Jennings*, Laura Kelly Vaughan, and Vanessa Fitsanaksis. King University, Bristol, Tennessee.
Poster Presentations
First Place – Measuring the presence of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in east Tennessee. Erin A. Schrenker*, Ethan A. Carver, Jose M. Barbosa, and Thomas P. Wilson, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Here is a photo of the presenters!
The Tennessee Academy of Science Eastern Collegiate Division meeting was held on April 22, 2016 on the campus of Pellissippi State Community College with awards as follows:
First Place – Andrew Mallinak. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Human density and land-use effects on raccoon (Procyon lotor) anthropogenic food consumption near Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Second Place- MacKenzie LeMay, Cody Rogers and Marrianne Hull. King University, Bristol. Survey of stream quality, macrobiota, microbial load and antibiotic resistance in waterways of Steele Creek Park.
Third Place- Jonathan C. Stanfield. The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Characterization of the Silurian Rockwood Formation Ironstone at Lauderback Ridge, South East Tennessee.
Honorable Mentions (in alphabetical order)
Misty Nicole Branton. Maryville College, Maryville. Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) reforestation in relation to ectomycorrhizal fungi in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Kristen Michaud. Pellissippi State Community College, Knoxville. Efforts to promote sustainable water consumption through education and blind water taste tests by Pellissippi State Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society.
Rachel F. White. Maryville College, Maryville. Survey of Tardigrades on moss in the Maryville College Woods.
Here is a photo of the presenters!